Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Cook

Welcome to The Cook restaurant in Phuket town. Overrated, Overpriced and Underwhelmed. Seriously people marvel at the fusion food served here by 'the master chef' ..... I don't because he doesn't seem to know about SEASONING

On second thoughts maybe I'm being harsh. No I'm not, my pasta and my pizza had NO seasoning at all. really bland and runny. Worse, the pizza was made from a frozen base! A cardinal sin. On a road (Phang-nga) with serious competition (Roxy and Lotus) The cook doesn't cut the mustard in fact the mustard doesn't even come out of the bottle. To make matters worse 375 of my hard earned baht is wasted on small portions and mediocre service. YOU CAN FIND BETTER much better. ( For a better pizza search out Spaghetti and C, for better pasta Farang restaurant is hard to beat.)

A lazy restaurant who has refused to move with the times and is living off dubious glowing reviews from the local newspapers. Priced to rip off unsuspecting tourists and portioned so small that even a pizza and a pasta barely fills me up The Cook is one to avoid.

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