Tuesday 9 October 2012


Suay is the new kid on the block in terms of Phuket Town dining. It has been winning rave reviews ever since opening and it's 'Thai fusion' is very successfully done. Suay has tried to place itself as a fine dining restaurant but at 'Thai' prices and this is where it lets itself down. Excellent concept in most dishes but not always executed to the highest level.

Set off the road in a tranquil garden Suay a pleasant dining experience, it's nearly quiet enough to be disturbing. Don't come here expecting to hear the clatter of plates, the clink of glasses and the laughter from the crowd (head down to Kra-Jok-See for that atmosphere).

The prices are not as cheap as they would like you to believe and as such Suay finds itself stuck somewhere in the middle between a fabulous dining destination and an easy evening restaurant. Too expensive for locals and too out of the way for Mr and Mrs beach holiday.

I visit  here once a month for the food, and what it gets right it does superbly.  Highly recommended are the Shanghai noodles (159 baht)  and the fresh spring rolls
(89 baht) below. Both are exceptional dishes. Avoid the salmon curry (very bottom) it bland with no spice and a strange aftertaste.

I sometimes get the feeling that the original chef, who implemented the menu, has handed over the reigns to some younger, less enthusiastic cooks who lack the required skill to pull off such a delicate balance required for their menu.

 The deserts are fab, although the crepe in the crepe suzette (99 baht right) wasn't made to order, but very tasty nevertheless. The fruit juices and non-alcoholic cocktails are great but the  alcoholic cocktails are a little weak and seem overpriced. The extended wine menu is a bonus.

The decor is minimalist and to my taste but there is just something missing from Suay. I shouldn't want to leave a restaurant after my meal. When eating here I just can't find any reason to sit around. Noticeably lacking in Thai clientele and seemingly catering for the 'trip adviser' crowd Suay restaurant remains a worthy dining destination but one with limitations.

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