Wednesday 5 September 2012


This blog will predominantly be about food and restaurants in and around Phuket town. In time I will try to expand it to include other cultural points of interest but for now if you have any questions just ask.  Everyone can Google restaurants in Phuket but the same hi-priced answers keep cropping up. This blog will be more about eating great food without breaking the bank. Don't worry we all crave a burger or a pizza sometimes being this far from home and i will en-devour to help you find the best or at least avoid the worst. Good Thai food is rewarding, inexpensive and fun. Good Western food is rare and treasured. Cheap food is cheap food but can still be delicious and more often than not adventurous. Fusion food is the biggest lottery, when done well it can be mind blowing .... literally ...... Curry Pizza !!!! a craze surprisingly slow to catch on.

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