Tuesday 18 September 2012

Phuket Food Fair

 PHUKET FOOD FESTIVAL, running until the 22nd of October on Sappanhin the 15th annual Phuket food festival does pretty much what it says on the tin. 100 stalls, all types of food but no alcohol as this year it's a booze free zone.

I walked around for a bit and settled on some BBQ king prawns, a Saba fish, a rack of pork ribs and sticky rice. Total cost about 500 baht and it was well worth it. I love eating great, fresh food and they really make an effort here to only allow the quality vendors in. You can see by the price that it's street food for the business class (fresh oysters!!!). However the lack of decent, clean seating and a really annoying PA system that seemed to be turned up to max volume detracted somewhat from the enjoyment of what is just simple good food.

There is also a large selection of 'take home' food as in cakes, biscuits, nuts and nibbles that mean you probably wont just eat there but then spend the best part of the next hour persuading your  good lady friend that she has bought enough treats to sink an armada and it's time to leave.


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  2. My FIRST time was with my Vinc too! At Perhentian, 4 years ago from now. Such a big gap btw.

  3. Theres a lot to eat at the Phuket food fair. I really really hope Tours in Phuket take me to this fair, as I am very much interested in food. Food makes everything much better, even vacations.
