Friday 14 September 2012

'The' Roxy

Roxy Bar, a small well run establishment on Phang-nga road, is a real treat. Populated almost exclusively by ex-pats, this place ticks all the boxes and more. The reason why I love Phuket town so much more than the rest of the island (and a huge reason why I started this blog) is the lack of complacency shown by the small business owners. Unfortunately in Thailand you can feel like a walking ATM with peoples eyes lighting up at the unsuspecting tourist whenever you walk past their establishment ( or worse taxi ). There is none of this here, this place has to serve the pickiest crown around and does it with ease. Cold drinks, cheap pool, big screen TVs and AMAZING food means Roxy is not just a bar, it's a second home.

Sometime in a previous life I was watching an American football game and saw Ray Lewis the most dominant middle linebacker of his generation introduce himself as coming from 'The U'. It started me thinking as to what his university must have meant to him to call it that. Well, now I know .... 'The Roxy' means the same to me, it's not just a place ... it's 'The Place'. It's also centrally located so is used as a great point of reference .... " you know the barber shop just around the corner from Roxy" or "the next street over from Roxy etc. ."

The pub quiz on a Wednesday night is great fun (and occasional hosted by yours truly). Get yourself down there and you could find yourself walking away with some free beers, a free meal or the Jackpot in cash! The drinks menu is ample and nicely priced whilst the food menu is extensive. The fajitas (160baht) are perfection whilst the outstanding cheeseburger (also 160baht) destroys not just local competitors but almost any burger I have ever eaten.

  Anywhere else I go for 'home comfort' food I constantly compare to here and it is always unfavourable. But I'm missing the key ingredient of this place and it's one that I can't put into words. Put your name up on the pool board (10 baht, winner stays on,) or stumble in alone on a quiz night and you will be accepted with open arms. Welcomed into the fold and as one drink turns to a few new friends are met, new tales told and lasting memories made.

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