Sunday 9 September 2012

Natural Restaurant

 Sometimes known by it's Thai name Tamachart this quaint and quirky restaurant serves consistently high quality Thai dishes to a mainly foreign crowd. Highly recommended is the 'Shu Shi Goong' a spicy prawn curry that hits all the right notes and their fresh fruit shakes are all amazing. Be warned though the service is sometimes slow and you really need to be seated upstairs, in fact you should insist on it ! As hinted at by the name it's the decor that really sets this place apart, you are basically eating in a giant tree house. I keep hearing this restaurant is a hidden gem but it's really not hard to find and everyone knows about it. You can find it on Soi Phuthon , close to where the buses depart for the beach plus all the taxi's will know it. The pricing is pleasant with a meal for 2 coming in at well under 1000 baht. The only downside is too many foreigners has led the chef to dilute the taste and if your searching for authentic Thai cuisine make sure you give your server a nod when ordering and ask him to prepare it 'Thai style'.


  1. Hi Nick! Your reviews s great , I have been to Phuket many times but to tell you the truth , I have never been to this restaurant before . Can you also put the map of this restaurant or any contact info ?. I really want to try this. Thx =]

  2. Yes !!!!!! tackey zaa I will add a map for you just give me a few days it's only a new blog and I'm still working on the design and layout :)
