Monday 10 September 2012

Rockin' Angels

Rockin' Angels, A live music venue with a touch of class. From the Rassada traffic circle heading up Yaowarat Road, Rockin’Angels is on the left-hand side before the first traffic light. Beer is slightly on the expensive side (Heineken 80baht)and the cocktails seem professionally made but also expensive (from 160baht). The live music is inoffensive bordering on quiet and the tables are crammed in too close for anyone over 5foot 5 to sit at comfortably. That being said, especially on weekend nights, it's a great place for an after dinner drink. The conversation can flow, the lights are appropriately dim and the intimacy resonates long after you have left. They serve food from Rider Cafe (just across the road) and it's closed on Mondays.

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