Tuesday 18 September 2012

Kopi de Phuket

KOPI DE PHUKET,is an old fashioned coffee shop on Phuket road in between 'The Books' and the Tourism Authority of Thailand. This branch is in fact the second Kopi. The first is located in the On-On hotel and has been operating since 1999.

OK so lets cut to the chase. I wasn't blown away by the food, cooked in a traditional style and (due to the fact I was running a charity 10k the next day) was really glad I plumped for the chicken steak (240baht).

The only western dish on the menu and it was just about the only thing I could have eaten without pulling a face. For some reason they turned the 'kana bacon (140baht)' into a bland soup and they also managed to turn wild mushrooms into the most unappetising looking dish ever.

On the plus side they serve great cheap coffee(45baht) and cakes, seriously the banoffee pie (70baht) is delicious and the coffee 'boran' a strong traditional Thai coffee (pictured above) rocks !

However neither the decor or the service stands out and the food is of a local style that doesn't suit many western taste buds. Overall I'll drop in for coffee from time to time but this is one local Phuket restaurant I wont be frequenting with any regularity.


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